Who is in charge of your life?Take a moment and think about that question ‘who is in charge of your life?’ because if you’re not then who is?

Is it –

  • You?
  • Is it your Partner?
  • Is it your Family?
  • Is it your Boss?
  • Is it your voices from the part?
  • Or is it someone/something else?

It’s really important that every now and then you step back and see, and remind yourself who is in charge of your life.

It can be too frightening to see that, as much as you’ve tried to be in control, you’ve found that you’ve learned that this isn’t so. Oh yes, you can be in control and clean, tidy, plan, organise till the cows come home!! And yet you’ve found that being in charge doesn’t always work, does it? Do you know this one and by know, I mean have you experienced this one?

‘Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans’

(John Lennon)

I have no doubt you have as I don’t know anyone who has a life that’s plain sailing – or you might but I certainly don’t! I know that my busy life as a Director of a Training Organisation (The Psychosynthesis Trust), Wife, Mother, Running Groups, European President of Psychosynthesis Psychotherapists, and having Clients and Supervisees went totally to pot as I found out that I had bowel cancer. Shock horror all round, and change of plans for a good number of years was certainly part of this unexpected happening. This just was not on the cards!!!!

Deeper Essence

What I found out with a huge bang was that I was not in charge of my life – however much exercise I took, however much I took care of myself and what I put into my body.   And maybe it’s not you who is actually in charge of yours! Yes, in so far as you go about your life to a certain extent you are in charge and yet, what if you co-operate with something else?

How would it be to see that you are part of something more than you – your Higher Self, that deeper essence within (you can call it whatever you want to call it – I’m not attached to this title) that’s there for you to lean on and be supported? How would it be to allow yourself to trust that and go with the process?

It can be too scary, as well as crazy to think that there is something more than us, and that this Inner Essence actually exists.  Why? Because not only can it mean that you are dependent and not taking responsibility for you and your life, you’ll no longer be that confident woman standing in her own power! Isn’t that what we’ve all been told to strive for over these years? Hasn’t this been a mantra?

I am disagreeing with the picture of us being all powerful. I am saying that life is a partnership and when you are co-operating with your inner life, miracles can happen as life can flow in a natural way. No more striving, pushing, trying to make things happen – surrendering to what is.


I’m not saying that you don’t do anything except have positive thoughts, affirmations and wait for something to happen. I’m not saying that life won’t get in a mess. You’ll still find that life goes into unexpected spins. You’ll still get annoyed that those around you don’t do what you want them to do, or know what you want to happen without you telling them, and that life isn’t going the right way for you or any of the normal everyday living things!! What you’ll have though is a greater sense of being supported in the bigger picture of life by people and happenings coming into your life out of the blue.   There will be a lot of synchronicity all of a sudden.


So see it as a process of you and your Inner Self being in charge together when you trust and surrender to what is – your inner guidance. You’ll come from a feeling of co-operation rather than fighting something bigger than yourself.

Let me know how this sits with you.

Love and Blessings

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6 Responses

  • I really loved reading and thinking about this post Irene. As a law of attraction practitioner I tell it straight, the law of attraction simply matches your vibrations (that’s it) but I too also believe we are guided through life. I don’t know who or what guides us, I certainly believe that our inner guidance plays a huge part in our life.

    The way I look at life is that I do my best to live the life I want and be the person I want to be, the rest will sort itself out and within that framework I have the flexibility to be guided.

    Thank you for a lovely post.

  • Always, Wendy, for me we are here to be the best we can be just like you, and whether there is anything else, I don’t know – only in times of my own experience. Thanks for taking the time to comment xx

  • Thanks, Ruby, for your nice comments. Yes, for me, it is about co-operation whoever we co-operate with and how good it is to co-operate with life instead of fighting it. Irene xx

  • For most of my life I have been dominated by aggressive, controlling people – from a mother who wanted to live her life through me and turned on me when I said no; to a controlling now ex-husband.
    I control my life now, certainly not the illnesses that try to dominate me – move on; but I live my life by praying to say “help” or “thank you”, so although I’m in control – it’s only by faith. x

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