Success At Being You
‘Success is liking Yourself,
Liking what You do and
Liking how You do it’
For most of us, when you passed your exams or got your degree, (diploma, job position, medal, got married, wrote a book or whatever else), you probably felt accepted by others. You could say to yourself that you were a success in the eyes of society and, probably more importantly, in the eyes of your family and peers.
But then what happens when you are no longer that title or position or role, I imagine you could feel afraid – stripped of approval or esteem and maybe felt you were nothing without it. You might even be saying to yourself,
Who am I?
What will people think of me now?
Will I still be Loved, Included and Accepted?
You have forgotten about your love of you – simply for being you. And not realised that there were those (yes, perhaps not many as some may be in competition with you while pretending to be your friend, others may pull you done, and some even afraid of you) who loved you regardless of your strengths, your vulnerabilities and the many masks you wear. Why? Because they really see you for being you regardless and can applaud you for being a success at being YOU.
House or Tunnel
I am suggesting for the moment that living your life can be like living in a long house or tunnel. You enter as a baby and exit when your time has come and, in between as you move along, you find different rooms representing the different ages of your life. And, even although you aren’t perhaps conscious of it, every part of you lived in those rooms with you even though you thought you had either dealt with them, denied them or hid them away!
Conductor of your Orchestra
What I am saying here is that until you make peace with yourself, with the so-called less agreeable parts of your past, they’ll continue to call you from way down your tunnel and sometimes really loudly. It can be hard to shut up the ones that tell you what to do or how to be – directing your actions even many years later!!
You are not in charge of you! You are not the Conductor of your unruly orchestra that’s made up of those parts that –
play when they like,
want to always be centre stage,
always be soloists
make most noise
need to be coaxed out
resent the others
provide creativity
Oh No!! Until you can enable them to co-operate and be in tune with, or at least acknowledge, one another, your orchestra is going to be a mishmash of individuals instead of allowing out the beautiful music they can play together. As that old saying goes, ‘March to the tune of your own music’ and not everyone else’s.
Realising how inappropriate your reactions or pretences are, doesn’t banish that fear of being found out – and it’s a great start to having awareness. What it does tell you is that YOU are not in charge of you as you think you are until you become the Conductor of your orchestra!
In my opinion, this is when you can say, ‘I am a Success’ as I am in charge of me – of all of me regardless.
Go Well
Want to have the awareness (or more of it) of these parts of you, and see what gifts they have to offer you? Then signup for my new 10-week online course, and join me on this new adventure