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What are you missing?


‘Acceptance of your Reality, just as it is, can bring about Change’  

– Irene Brankin –


If you ask yourself, ‘What am I missing?’, what would your answer be?   It may be anything from the frivolous to that yearning deep inside of you.


Asking yourself this question can lead you to your unfulfilled needs, to the needs that are making you suffer whether in a quiet, internal way or a noisy external way.


You will understand why it is an important question to ask yourself as it will show you where the blocks and pain are and what might be getting left out of your life.


By being completely honest with yourself (nobody else need ever know), from the bottom of your heart allow your answer(s) to be heard.


Acknowledgement and Acceptance


Please take seriously your yearning or wishes or needs whether they are realistic or not!!    You see, it’s only by acknowledging them first and then accepting the truth of them that there is any likelihood that change will happen.


I’ve heard people say – ‘I’m missing out on ……….. so much but I don’t know how to get it’ or whatever it is you might be saying yourself.    It is this acknowledgment that then allows the new horizons to open up as when you accept it, this creates an open space for possibility.


It also means that you have more energy rather than using it up in denial or hiding it – takes up too much time and energy even if you are not conscious of it.  It may even be that other people are aware of it and simply can’t put their finger on what it is.


People normally see that if they accept people or situations for how they are, then they are resigned to that.     Not so, it doesn’t mean resignation!    In my opinion, it is your reality, and also you don’t have to rush into changing everything to fulfil your needs.


Space for the light to come in


It may be that you find that what is missing for you is e.g. simply fun or being relaxed or your dreams.    You haven’t actually given space for the fact that you have always been a ‘glass half empty’ kind of person anyway who hasn’t allowed herself to have that fun and enjoyment or connection with her dreams as you always have to be busy, busy, busy!!


An example I can give you is that some years ago, a client was married to a gambler and yet always made excuses on why she couldn’t leave him.    When she truly accepted, ‘I know I really need to leave and I’m afraid as I don’t know how it’s going to work out’, this acceptance created a space for the light to come in – for change to come about.




When you look at what is missing in your life and come from a loving and honest place in you that can say something like, ‘I can see that I’ve not been able to do things any differently so far through fear.   I accept that this is what my life is like at the moment.’    Then you have allowed in space for change to happen.   Remember, it is about you creating that open space yourself.


Also remember that, even if some of life’s lessons have been painful and hard and you’d rather not have gone through them (and I know this myself), you have also been through those that have been fun, interesting and stretching.


You know that you have to be your biggest cheerleader and supporter so honour yourself by allowing your truth to be heard.


Good Luck.

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Why don’t you give yourself a treat and create a possibility for change by coming on my next Day Workshop in March?  This is for women who want to give themselves the gift of time to re-connect with themselves.  You will be focusing on you, identifying where you want to go at this stage in your life, and embracing the year ahead with renewed vigour.  And you will have my longstanding expertise, warmth, humour and ‘unexpectness’.

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