
Well I’ve looked at Procrastination and Pressure and I’ve done my Rant whilst being honest about what can happen for me around them.

So for my Day 4 Blogging Challenge I am going to choose –


Although the ground I stand on is my own training, teaching and supervising in a Transpersonal Psychology called Psychosynthesis (which says that we are more than our problems). Also that when we have the awareness and truly know that we have choice in our life, that this then gives the freedom to grow – to fulfil our potential – to be aligned with ourselves. And so on. This connection or re-connection can be seen by some as ‘we say lots of positive affirmations, look on the bright side’ and so on.

For me, this is not always so. It is Both-And. The Light and the Dark (or Shadow).


I know for myself (and also in my work with clients and students) that it is not about being Pollyanerish!! It’s about acknowledging and allowing out the pain, the loneliness, the tears, the fear, the resentments, the jealousies, the stuckness, the resentments and anger that we have stuffed away inside us.

You don’t always have to have a smile on your face

You don’t always have to be a positive, smiling, caring, compassionate person. You can acknowledge you are only human with all that means. You’ll wear yourself out by ‘putting on a face’ outside while inside you are crying.


I want to support you – particularly women – in knowing that it is okay to be afraid and not keep striving for happiness and being a success. That you can acknowledge that sometimes you may get depressed and have to take time in the shadows while you come back to yourself again; that you want to go back under the duvet more often than you realised; that you don’t always have the energy to cheer the world on – not even yourself; that life can be grey and miserable and not always the colours of the rainbow.


You see, for me, when we are courageous to acknowledge what’s really happening for ourselves and even allow ourselves to be visible with whatever it is that’s going on for us – then we can stand tall and include in the aliveness; the fun; the excitement; the focus; the joy of being alive and know that we are a successsimply and surely.

Success, for me, is being comfortable with yourself – how you are and know you have much to offer.

It is about including in all of you – the Light and the Dark – the Both-And.

Nothing wrong with the positive affirmations. It’s that you don’t settle for second best and swallow the myth whole. You know you and life amount to more.

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2 Responses

  • I agree with you on being honest with ourselves when we are not feeling happy go lucky…however, I emphasise with why its so easy to put that fake smile on for the world because the older we get the more everyone expects us to have it all together! Then there is the issue of “burdening others” is not telling someone you feel low so as not to spoil there mood compassionate or is it self- damaging? Lots to think about….thanks for this heart felt and honest post- I enjoyed reading it.

  • Thanks, Nasilele, for yuour thoughtful response. For me, sometimes I simply say ‘not a good day for me’ and other times, I ‘Act as If’ (just thought maybe I will do a blog on the latter) – thanks again x

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