Whenever you are faced with trying to find the courage to bring about a change in your life, this title is a good one to ponder over before you get frustrated and give up as you’ve listened to the voice inside that says – ‘Why bother? It’s impossible. It’s too late’.
Why? Because, as Seth Godwin says, “All we need is ‘NEARLY’ and we have completely transformed the problem – changing it from one to avoid to one to commit to”. He goes on to say, “Almost every breakthrough comes from someone who saw nearly when no one else did”.
So, when and where have been the times you have given up because whatever you were facing seemed to be impossible to bring about?
Or maybe as you look back, you may also see those times when somehow or other you saw the nearly and found out that you had whatever it took in order to get that breakthrough – clarity, focus, courage, determination………….
It doesn’t have to be that you did it all by yourself. You may have asked for help (which can take courage), received it and so the impossible became possible.
How many of you have felt sadness, despair, and even resignation as you look at all the lost possibilities – the ‘how life could have been’ times – and felt it was impossible to do anything about it now? You had allowed that voice to over-rule your impetus for change once again.
Life often teaches you through your wrong turns and missed possibilities. And what seemed impossible can become possible as you allow your sadness and grief to be there first and allow yourself to mourn for what might have been.
Then you have the possibility to bring about change in your life, to step onto a new path and to explore what seemed to be nearly impossible.
I’m not saying that it’ll work for everybody and it worked for me. Good Luck as you step onto your new path.