So you’ve probably realised a bit of a theme in my blog articles these last few weeks. Which is to say that it’s your time! All mature women out there, it’s your time to shine and stop dimming yourself for whatever reason. How do you do this? You do this by stepping into your power. By which I mean, owning or re-owning those gifts you know you have, and perhaps have been allowing to dim or be less visible.
Take some time out to listen to your Wise Woman and hear what she has to say. Go on, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and ask yourself, “What have I been dimming?” Then listen to any response which can come in many ways – words, pictures, a song … but don’t worry if it doesn’t come immediately, give it time.
What I’ve painfully realised when I’ve stopped and listened, is that I don’t have to keep chasing my tail, striving harder and harder. Instead it’s about focusing on the joy my life already has. I am alive! I laugh a lot at myself, and life. I’m letting go of being attached to specific outcomes whilst at the same time engaged in the process.
I’m encouraging you to choose to be happy – to see the craziness of life and embrace it. Allow yourself to be scared, angry, despondent or whatever it is you are feeling at any one time. We hold a whole spectrum of feelings and can choose to focus on whatever is upper most for us – remember that and don’t think it’s forever.
Forget about survival! It’s about growing and thriving. It’s about you allowing you to be Visible, to Shine and be present as YOU. It’s time to step into that beauty of being you – that’s your Power.