I am so aware of how I can put things off – not just in everyday life but also in the bigger picture. The part of me that procrastinates is a bit of a slob at times, but when I give in to her and “slop” around then I find I have the energy to get on and do whatever it is that I’m putting off. Is that the same for you?
What I’ve found, is that if you always wait until you “get there, achieve something or whatever” you’re missing out on the present. It’s so hard to realise that it is simply about being content with what is. I’m not saying that you should let go of your vision, purpose, goal or bigger picture. It’s about, for me, holding that purpose whilst still getting on with the process of living my life.
When you accept your reality – the ‘this is how it is right now’ – then you can begin to see what’s possible. You choose your response and your attitude towards each circumstance and be at peace with it. Too many times you can strive towards an outcome without enjoying the process.
How many times have you heard yourself, or others, saying something like “when I have the time / money / become famous… (or you’re own version) then I will …”. So you wait for one or all of these things to happen before you accept your present reality and live your life.
There’s always a choice about how we live life, and just because you may not like the options presented you say you’ve had no choice.
See how it would be to choose life consciously.
A friend gave me one of her favourite sayings, “Live a life well lived, is a life lived well”. I wonder if this is what you’re doing? I wonder if you are counting your blessings and being grateful for who, and what, is in your life? Let me know.