Everyday we’ve a choice to see the beauty in ourselves, in others, and in the world.
However for most of us, we’re more likely to focus on what’s wrong with us and our world, instead of placing our attention on what’s right with us and our world.
We often look at others and think that they’re better than us in whatever way – what they’ve got, how they look, how they dress and so on. Take a fresh look at you. You are more than enough and have every reason to be proud of you. You are unique. There’s no one else like you.
Your idea of beauty and mine may be poles apart. This doesn’t make either of us wrong. It simply makes the possibilities wider. You are you with your views, and not me with mine, and sometimes the two may never meet. We can agree to be separate individuals enjoying the vastness of choice we have. And you and I can make the world a better place by simply choosing to be in it as confident, mature women.
For me, when you breathe into this fact, it has a ripple effect. You will touch others even when you don’t know you have.
Remember that beauty, that sparkle inside and allow it to shine outside as well.