I am hearing the same thing from a number of women just like you.    I am sorry to hear that you are Underwaterknackered and worn out caring for all and sundry while running a home and working at the same time.


First of all, you would need to see just how many balls you are juggling.    This may come as a shock even a pleasant surprise -for you as you gain awareness of just how many there are.  You might then begin to appreciate your ability to have done this, and to see how you have become worn down.

It is important to celebrate ourselves too – to see how resilient we are as human beings.

How Come?

Then it would be really of great importance to look at just how this has come about and how you’ve allowed this to happen.   Yes, this is what you’ve allowed – you’ve given and it’s all been taken!   This isn’t about judging others as we, as human beings, love being taken care of and our life running smoothly!!

When you’ve seen what your needs were in allowing this, you can then begin to see what you can let go of or pass onto others and stop taking responsibility for everyone else.


I would also remind you that there is a word called NO, and it may be that you don’t like to assert this so you have become a martyr to life!     It may also serve you to look at where this fear of saying ‘No’ came about.


These steps can be as small or as large as you choose as you know you are not actually living life.  You are plodding through it rather dancing to your own tune at times.

Of course, you take more responsibility while children are small, and you also allow others to be the mature, capable people they can be.

Life is to be enjoyed – enjoy.

Irene x

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