
Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could just wake up one day and decide that you were going to have inner peace from then onwards?

Oh yes, it would be wonderful for us all and particularly for us women in mid-life onwards as this is the time for us and our inner peace.

Sorry to disappoint you. It is not going to happen like that, at least in my opinion anyway and I’ve been around rather a long while.

We all want to have this inner peace and satisfaction with life.

My definition is that it is a life force or energy inside you and is rooted at the core of who you are. It is the alignment of all of you with your Soul (or the self with the Self). It is where you can rest in while everything is going on around you.

It is not easy to be here for long (at least in my opinion and experience), and those times are there for us to draw upon.

One of the ways you can begin to enter the process or journey towards this, is that you need to be willing to let go and accept the full rainbow of feelings you have. Not to push them down or swallow them back as usually happens.

It is about you choosing to step outside the box (comfortable or not) that you’ve allowed yourself to be in. That can even be a false sense of peace and satisfaction.

You can then get to know yourself all over again and can include the light and the dark inside you or not just the parts that you want society to see.

You can begin to face up to and own, the emotional baggage you carry around. What you carry (and not just you) can be shame and guilt, insecurities and self-beliefs that don’t make sense and weigh you down. Remember that shame tells us – ‘You’re not good enough’ or ‘Who do you think you are?’ It is also about owning your vulnerability which is the birthplace of creativity, innovation and change, and not hiding this away either.

You may also be afraid to own the magnificence of you as well and when you do this, together with the above, this can bring the inner peace and satisfaction you are seeking.

What could make your heart sing today? Whatever it is, do it – you can always return to your comfort zone if you want to.


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