Inner Confidence – Inspiration Comes From Within
In my blog today, you will know a bit more about the basis, the ground I stand on, of how I work with women.
Inspired = one is in spirit
For me, being inspired tells us so much about ourselves. Oh, let me go back – did you know that the meaning of the word ‘INSPIRED’ is, ‘one is in spirit’. I find that quite fascinating and inspiring in itself.
Inner Confidence
It also enables me and you to see that we don’t need to be motivated from the outside although it is also important to have Role Models from any walk of life as they can provide that kick-start you need.
It is also really great to see so many confident, inspiring women around these days – Yes, now is definitely our time! And, in my work with successful women who are afraid they’ll be found out – the Imposter Syndrome – many have shared that they feel this lack of inner confidence. Even the other day, the winner of a wonderful book award said that she was waiting to be found out and that the honour would be taken away from her. By the way, it happens to men as well as women from the Extraordinary to Ordinary folk all the way around.
So, if you are motivated by the energy within yourself, you can let go because you have already everything you need inside you to inspire yourself. It is then a matter of tapping into it – to this inner confidence.
Isn’t this a good way to look at being motivated or inspired in order to do something – coming from the inside out?
It’s about being willing to do something for its own sake, whether it (whatever ‘it’ is) produces the results you’d like or not. It’s about trying out stuff and seeing what happens regardless of the outcome – being adventurous in your own way. And, if that means sometimes taking risks that don’t work out, then so be it. As is said, you will always learn from it anyway at some time or another!
What does this then mean for you? It means that you don’t have to wait until the Guru or Expert comes along and tells you, ‘You can be just like me if you …………….’. I’m not knocking them – some of them have worked really hard to get where they are and are earning bucketloads of money into the bargain. They, as Role Models, can help, support and challenge you AND it is, like anything, only you who can take the first step.
Those of you who don’t take that first step, that is also fine. You don’t have to do anything. You can settle for a life with all the regrets when you look back. It is those regrets that may be gnawing away at you that you have settled for second best – being a fraud, is what I’m talking about. Remember that you have a choice to be yourself and not pretend!
Your Call
In my first book, ‘The Visible Woman’, one of the chapter titles is, ‘It’s Your Call: Stay on the sidelines or be inspired and take action.
I’ll leave you with the question – Are you going to listen to your Inner Voice, be Inspired and take Action or carry on as usual? Your greatness is your Divinity. Over to You, it’s your Call to step into your inner confidence.
Why don’t you Connect with me on my website and sign up for a Discovery Call or email me if the basis of my work appeals to you.