English: Speech balloons. Question and Answer....

Do you ever feel you can truly say ‘I Don’t Know’ when people (anyone) ask you a question that you just don’t know, and are looking at you waiting for an answer?

How do you feel if you have been in a situation like this? Daft, silly, embarrassed, stupid and so on while your brain turns to mush and you are striving for the answer that will show ‘you are in charge – you have the answers – you are knowledgeable and you are in control’. Have you ever felt yourself silently pleading – help me? And waiting for the answer to miraculously appear! Of course, on occasions this can actually happen.

You’re the one who will know your own thoughts and feelings when you’ve been through such a time (and I’m sure you have).

Well, the following are some of what has gone on for me in the past while I have struggled to simply say my truth at the time of not wanting to own, ‘I Don’t Know’. I found that, for me, I’ve struggled to come up with something because –

I so wanted to look good in the others’ eyes. I needed them to mirror back to me that I am okay; that I am clever; that they admire me; that they even love me; that I am so wise; that I am a good person and that they want me to be part of their gang.

Don’t get me wrong. I can still struggle with all of those things! And yet, more and more I am comfortable with simply saying, ‘I Don’t Know’ and being able to be with any fall-out from them or myself.

I am no longer seeking to prove myself or being valued solely on how I come across. I am living more and more from a place that says I am still valuable regardless of my answer. I cannot do any better than knowing that I have peace of mind coming from speaking my truth and that my existence doesn’t depend upon whether ‘I Know’ or ‘I Don’t Know’.

I’d really love to hear from you about your ‘I Don’t Know’ situations. Take care.

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