I don’t think many of you will disagree with me when I say that life can be ‘funny’ at times – even if it is not always laughter we are feeling!
In my opinion, what helps is needing to have the courage to be yourself, listening to your own voice and laughing a lot at life regardless of what’s going on around you.
Saying all of that, here are my possibilities for helping yourself enjoy life (well it’s for today anyway!) –
Learn to forgive yourself for the daft things you do or have done
Remember to step back and gain perspective on life
Celebrate the little happenings that go well
Know that not everyone will like you – that’s life!
STOP reminding yourself what age you are – be the age you feel
Keep smiling – being cheery helps to keep you young
Keep being curious and a life-long learner – you are never too old is a truth
Enjoy the simple things in life – seeds growing into flowers
Laugh often, long and loud – a real belly laugh till the tears run down your cheeks
Be alive, while you are alive!
Cry and let go of the sad losses in your life, and move on – they are inside you
Live Life Out Loud
Stay interested in Who and What you Love
Take exercise – a stroll, a walk, a run, a hike, a Zumba class – whatever you can
Care for your Health
Remember the Miracles in your Life
Be open to Hugs – giving and receiving as it is proven they do make us feel good
Appreciate Yourself and Others
Take risks by Challenging Yourself
Make Space for Reflection
Give Gratitude for all the Small and Large things
Sing quietly, SING Loudly – SING
Tell Yourself ‘I Love You’ every Day – even more than once
Have Compassion for Others and particularly Yourself
Say ‘YES’ to offers – you can always say No later and ask for help with them
Work Hard and Play Hard
Allow Yourself to Shine
Bring your Inner Smile out
Hold onto Your Truth
Choose Who you want to have Around You as this is so important for your well-being
Be spontaneous
You don’t have to be grown-up all the time
Be Kind to Yourself
Trust in Life and its Process
It could all be summed up with ‘BE YOURSELF’
I know you will be able to add many more to my list, and really hope you will too.
If you’d like to explore and have conversations on subjects like this, join my Facebook Group. It’s called SIFITY (Stop It, Fuck It, Thank You) and it’s for those women who are on the road to facing their denial and owning ‘I Am Enough’.