As you know, we’re counting down the days until it’s Christmas Day.
Most of the women I’ve spoken to have said they’re already exhausted with the buying and wrapping of presents, the writing and sending of cards, buying in the food and wondering if they’ll have enough, the nativity play attendances … each one is totally fine on its own, but all together it seems to be “Help!”.
Yes, everything will be done and ready but at what expense (not just financial) to you?
So that’s the downside of the Christmas season.
What‘s the upside?
There’s the joy of seeing all the children (not just your own grandchildren) performing – whatever part they play. Hearing them sing, getting things wrong and right, the tears that come because you’re so touched at the innocence, the hands sore through clapping and voices sore through cheering. Also the surprise and delight of the young and old when they see what Santa brought them – and yes, occasionally the pretence!
Most of us over-eat or drink too much. If you’re lucky though, there’s the fresh, cold air on your walks afterwards when everyone is so friendly and smiles as you walk by.
Let’s make this Christmas a good one for all, open our hearts to that possibility. Next year is still to come with all the possibilities awaiting us.
To you all, I wish a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year.