
Curiosity is something that keeps us young in mind and spirit – if not body!   It’s that feeling you had when you were young and were so curious about the world – exploring, touching, sensing, seeing, not knowing, checking out – being in awe of life.

As most of you know, this can get lost as you grow up.  Though, if you don’t already know, there is another advantage of being curious.

This is when you replace your concerns and fears with curiosity when facing some kind of problem.  You then become open to the potential that there is a solution to it.  That’s why, being curious opens you to many possibilities you hadn’t thought of.

As you get older (the ageing process again!), you can forget what a wealth of experience and knowledge you can tap into to enable you to, not only express yourself in the world but to discover answers to your problems.

You need to utilise your abilities and experience in a positive way as a Role Model so you can pass on your skills.  Not allowing yourself and your gifts to be expressed, for some, can be a relief for those who want to hide away and stay within the comfort box they’ve made for themselves. They don’t appreciate life’s true value.

Not to take that risk and be visible, goes against what I, and this community, stand for.  So I am challenging you once again to take that risk and listen to your heart’s whispers as these are what inspire your soul.

Being curious and listening to yourself, is an indispensable nourishment for the soul.

Let me know what happens as you re-connect again with your curiosity.

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