Most of us forget, that much of what others say and do doesn’t really concern us, if we’re being honest. People do what they do, and you react how you react. Your feelings are your own.
We can get so busy getting involved in others peoples’ lives that we forget about our own. Take some time to reflect on your busyness this week. How much of it was actually for yourself? How much of it was moving you towards, or taking you away from your own possibilities?
How often have you got caught up in others peoples’ business and found that you ended up being the one who was having the sleepless nights while whatever it was, had been resolved? I know, it’s happened to me on occasions too.
It’s not that we shouldn’t stand up, be counted and be visible when it’s right that we get involved. Of course, we should and we have a choice. And I’m sure that we feel of value that we gave our input to the issue. It’s all the other times that we’re squandering our thoughts, our feelings and our energy on people and things which are nothing to do with us at all.
We need to remember that others are also adults capable of solving or seeking help for their own issues.
I’ll leave you with this – Care Less, which leaves space for what you Care More about.