What are we going to do with our weather in the U.K.? I hear from many quarters that it’s so sapping of energy. No wonder our spirits droop. When the sun comes out, we come alive and begin to use that energy usefully. All of this has made me think about being motivated for this week’s blog.
Did you ever look at the word “INSPIRED” and then see it as “in-spirit” and finally as “one is in spirit”? I found that quite fascinating and realised that when inspired, you don’t need to be motivated from the outside. You’re self-motivated by the energy within yourself. You can therefore become inspired because you have already everything you need inside you to become so!
Isn’t that a good way to look at being motivated or inspired to do something?
For me, it’s about being willing to do something for its own sake, whether it produces the results I’d like or not. It means trying new stuff and seeing what happens. And it means sometimes taking risks that don’t work out. This is what most of us dare not do, and this is why most of us settle for “average lives”. You don’t have to.
In my future courses coming in the Autumn, one of the areas we’ll be looking at (as we’re not going to be around forever) is around the challenge of living and giving something of value back (you).
In my book, “The Visible Woman”, a chapter title is “It’s Your Call –stay on the sidelines or be inspired to take action”. So I’ll leave you with the question –“Are you going to show up and be visible in life?” I’d love to hear if you are.