While mowing the lawn, I suddenly thought how grateful I was for the people, particularly women, in my life who support and challenge me while at the same time hold that I can be bigger than who I am – they see my potential to be visible.
I also realised how much more I am myself at this stage in my life. I accept myself, as they say – the good, bad and the ugly – it’s me, all of me. I’m fine as I am, which doesn’t mean that I stand still. There is so much more still to learn, understand, have fun, laugh and cry about – this is life.
For me, the key to being at peace with yourself is to be your best, by making the most of what you have. Celebrate your life, your qualities – You. And the best kind of self-esteem comes from inner confidence that you can accept yourself while still growing and learning – not feeling you’ve made it, as what does that mean after all? There’s always something we can develop inside and outside.
So if you want to develop and grow, seize your chances even at the risk of pain and sacrifice and you may be surprised by the support you do get.
I’ve stopping striving to be someone I’m not. I’m fine as I am! What about you? I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to comment below.