(Definition = bizarre, odd, other-worldly, peculiar, strange, unusual, uncanny…. )
If you are, then in my opinion, it could be that you are seen as a passionate outsider or you could be seen as a bit of an oddball at times, depending on whose company you are in and what you are doing.
The down side of being called a bit weird is that life can sometimes be lonely as somehow you are not one of the ‘gang’ as you are not quite seen as ‘normal’. It can also be overwhelming and you may even need to take time to withdraw from the world (for however long it takes) in order to replenish your wounds. Even that can be seen as weird!
On the other hand, the world can look at you as someone who is different, their own person and so someone who is to be respected for that difference. You are able to choose to express an opinion, leave people to their own devices or join in with them as you’ve chosen it.
There can also be a tremendous freedom in being seen as weird!
My grandson sometimes says to me, ‘Nana, you are so weird’. My response is, ‘Oh yes, and isn’t it lovely to be able to be weird’ and I carry on with whatever it may be that I’m doing – singing funny words to pop songs, cuddling unexpectedly and so on.

Do you think it is the kettle calling the pot black? And I adore him – he is lovely.
I want to say to you – be, however you want to be. It’s your life.
You know what and who you care about – how you want to be – so do it!! You can laugh and cry, you can tell daft jokes.
You can take part in events that nobody else wants to do. You can offer yourself for unusual possibilities. You can be quiet and still whenever you want.
There’s no need to prove yourself all the time to be a good person and to fit in.
You will find your group or tribe or family who will include you, acknowledge you, see the wonder that you are (yes, and a pain in the neck at times!) – who will see all of you.
You can be weird.
I have every faith in you – life is for living not hiding away. So go on and be visible to yourself and then everything will fall into place.
Why? Because you will be trusting in you.
You can ask for help from me (I am an Expert Supervisor and Therapist) while you are including your weirdness or I can recommend you to one of my colleagues. Get in touch.
ha ha if you are weird because you sing funny words to pop songs count me in! I’ve never been one of the crowd and don’t follow people around just to be “in” never have! My daughter is the same and is her own brand of weird! 🙂
Hell yeah. With the red hair, and straight talking I’m seen as weird rather than respected for being myself. Luckily, I’m learning from you not to give a damn what they think x
The older I get, the weirder I get. I am also am totally OK with that! With maturity I am loving embracing who I am and how I act. I don’t care anymore about how people look at me. I am me! Me is good! Love your perspective.
Thanks, Leslie, isn’t it lovely when we are fine with ourselves – enjoy your weirdness xx (thanks for taking the time to comment)
Exactly, Sarah. it’s the being yourself that you are respected (and dare I say loved!) by so many people – keep it up xx
Hi Melanie, Yes you are definitely one of us!!! Pleased that your daughter is following in your shoes but with her own way. Thanks for taking time to comment xx
Good comments here as well as your post Irene. I’ve always been called ‘different.’ Not entirely sure why, but I haven’t worried too much. I quite like being different really. Have never followed the crowd and always done things in my own ‘weird way!’ I don’t think it’s easy to change the essence of who you are, so it’s best that we accept who we are and just get on with being it. (So long as it isn’t harming anyone, of course. 🙂
I embrace my weirdness. It is what makes me, me. 🙂
Hi Sarah, Thank you for taking the time to comment . In my opinion we are able to embrace our difference/weirdness as we move through life as we see that we can actually stand on our own two feet without following the crowd. I think it can be painful when young. Love your philosophy of acceptance xx
Thank you for commenting and carry on enjoying your weirdness x
I am proud to be weird!
I don’t care what other people think – I can’t live my life pleasing them or doing as they would want me to do. As long as I’m not hurting anyone (nor doing anything illegal 😉 I feel I have the right to be just as weird as I like!
Thank you, Helina, for your comment. And carry on being yourself as that’s what life is about x