Whatever you are doing, keep doing it anyway.   You are here, alive and are a Beautiful Soul.    Remember to give the freedom to your dreams.   Let them free to fly!!   You will have such an adventure being part of them.


Do you have that persistent little, and sometimes, loud voice that keeps on at you whenever you attempt to give your dreams space?

Let’s call that voice, your inner critic.  You know the one that is an insidious voice jabbing away at you.  It says things like –

Don’t bother doing that (whatever), it’s too comfortable in hereBird

Oh, go on, have another biscuit/cake/chocolate – it’ll be good for you

Don’t make too much fuss about ….., they’ll just get angry

How could you possibly have thought you could do that? 

Don’t show yourself up by laughing/dancing/having fun

Be kind, keep smiling, be caring,…. they’ll like you

Don’t rock the boat in any way at all

Definitely don’t stand up and be counted

What dreams and possibilities? – you are too old, too young, too ……..

Don’t change your job, your marriage, your weight, your anything

Keep the status quo


And so it goes on.


In psychosynthesis (the model of psychology I trained in and then taught others), it’s seen that the inner critic is a sub-personality.   It is a part of us.   In our work together, I would ask you to give it a name, see an image of it whether a person or animal, etc., and eventually to look it in the eyes and see who or what is behind this image – usually it’s a parent or an authority figure you have taken on.  It has become You.

It is worth making friends with this part of you because it not only has wants and needs.  It also has a gift to offer you so it is worth exploring with the help of a qualified person.

In many ways, it has been your ally.  it is there to protect you from what it sees as possible hurt, shame, embarrassment so that’s why it sees that its job is to take you down before the world does.  It knows your so-called flaws very well.

It is good to ask ‘What is it you want of me right now as I’m only hearing criticism and that makes me sad?’    It usually wants you to spend time with it rather than pushing it away.


When you allow your so-called flaws or vulnerability to be shared, acknowledged or allowed to be seen, then focus can shift honestly to all that’s good within.

I want to remind you that we are all flawed and going to make mistakes and we’ll experience pain, uncertainty and fear so stop denying your flaws and imperfections.   Instead shift your focus to all that’s good and commit to nurturing your talents, skills and abilities.   We are here to learn and grow throughout our life, whilst being the best we can be along the way.


Remember you are flawed and imperfect, and compassionate, loving, talented and unique – you are all of that.   Both And


I salute you – you are more than enough and by turning inwards and acknowledging all of you then the specialness of you will be seen by others.

You are wonderful for being you – A Beautiful Soul.

‘Don’t change Who You Are.

Become More of Who You Are.’


Love and Blessings

Irene 2


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