Are you one of the ordinary women who is extraordinary by going about your daily business?
Do you take for granted the things you do or how you are simply because you are able to ‘do’ or ‘be’ without thinking about it?
Probably you are because, in my opinion, many women as they go through life can simply forget, or even don’t know what a wealth of experience and knowledge that can be tapped into within themselves. They don’t have the awareness that they can utilise their abilities, qualities and experience by expressing these as a role model for others following.
So today I am going to invite you to make a list of all your talents and gifts. These are your natural abilities to do something well.
You were born with them. It is not a skill and you can use your talent(s) or gifts) to develop a particular skill, e.g. good hand-eye co-ordination could mean that you would be good at sports.
Take some time to reflect on you and your life and write them all down. I want you to be generous with yourself.
Then I would like you to look with love at yourself in a mirror. Tell yourself that you are so proud of you because ……………………. (you can choose one from your list). You will have been able to recall how exceptional you have been and so tell yourself this too.
Tell yourself that you are an ordinary woman dealing with all the ups and downs of life, and yet you are also extraordinary. YOU are unique – there is only one of you.
DON’T TAKE YOURSELF FOR GRANTED AND SIMPLY MOVE ON! The world needs to hear what you have to say and see what you have to show them – YOU.
BE BRAVE AND INSPIRING as you go about your daily life with courage and compassion for allowing you to be yourself.
I look forward to hearing from you.