A Hammock on a tropical beach.I’m heading off on holiday for a well-earned rest, and in between the lists of things to do, the packing and the Eurovision Song Contest (because it’s held in my second favourite country of Sweden), I took time out to reflect on where I am internally.

I allowed my inner smile (and joy) in, reflecting at how my life has taken shape over the past few months.  The world didn’t always behave as I wanted it to! Never mind as I don’t actually know if it ever will, except for those happenings when there is synchronicity and everything seems to flow.

I had times, or even moments, of feeling stressed, overwhelmed and being afraid of life’s events.  And I’ve had the joy of being with lovely people, having fun, hearing others’ deep sharings, both on my Visible Woman Retreat, and on an evening out with colleagues recently.  I was with people who had been part of my psychosynthesis training as one of my old colleagues was retiring.  It was great to see how we hadn’t changed a bit, oh yes, except that we’ve all got older!

Again, those times in our life provide us with such support for our health as well as our soul.

It’s natural for us to see only the darkness when we are overwhelmed, but we need to be sure to breathe into the bank of our good times to allow the light in. This is my connection to my “More Lust, Less Must” and I trust it will be yours.

So carry on allowing your joy in, as well as out.

PS. Congratulations to Denmark for winning (I have a Danish god-son) and also the great Swedish hosting of the whole event.  I did not actually watch it all but what I saw – the flag waving, cheering and clapping – was uplifting.  It was all fun!

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