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Doesn’t it feel ‘Oh so good’ to be chosen for whatever it is people are making choices around who they want to be involved with or in their team or whatever? Do you remember a way back perhaps at school, when teams were being chosen and you were saying or doing something like –

Please pick me (silently or shouting it out)

I didn’t want to be picked anyway and shrugging your shoulders

That inner smile that comes when you are chosen and you don’t let on that you’re delighted

The feeling of being picked and NOT left to last made you feel so good. I know that I love it myself.

You were included. You were part of the group, the team, the in-crowd. Wonderful.


We, as human beings, were born to be social animals and if we weren’t chosen or picked, it would have had devastating consequences for us. Ultimately, we could have died if we had been excluded or abandoned by the group. In my opinion, this is where it started from – you were in or you were out – and that’s still retained in the cells of our body.

So there is a tiny, little thread back to that reaction or even a big, thick rope!!!

Good Aspect

When you have growing awareness of yourself and your reactions to different aspects of life, then you begin to see that you have a CHOICE. Yes, you begin to experience that you have the inner freedom to choose your own response.

Self Development

That tiny, wee thread might give you an ‘Oh’ or two and then you can breathe into that inner voice that tells you that you are not a failure, you won’t die if not picked, you don’t have to if there’s something wrong with you. Why? Because you can walk your own line now. You don’t have to go with the norm. You can hug and comfort that tiny part of you because you love you.

You will know that you are a creative, loving, inspiring, successful woman in your own right simply because you are unique – there’s no one else like you!

Inner Choice and Freedom

This is so important to know. When you have inner choice and freedom – then you can be in or out. It doesn’t matter anymore. You’ll know you won’t die because you don’t fit in with the norm. There are so many of us out there, I can assure you – making our own choices and thinking our own thoughts.

I’d love you to contact me on irene@irenebrankin.co.uk and we can arrange a chat so that you can enjoy the benefit of my mature experience, wisdom and big heart.

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6 Responses

  • Funny – I was always a contradiction. Picked or the picker…and if I was being picked in sports…I would tell myself no-one wanted me….that was the thing, I didn’t learn to chose me till I was older!

  • It’s crazy and I know these hangups can last forever for some. And isn’t it lovely to (for me anyway) watch what goes on and just smile. Thanks for your comment, Sarupa, much appreciated xx

  • I’ll pick you Irene. I’ll also pick Sarupa. We can have a team of champions. On a serious note, if you are scared to be on your own, then create your own tribe and attract in the people who like you. You don’t have to care about the rules of the other groups when you’re the boss 😉

  • I’m pleased I’m in your team with Sarupa. Of course what you say is totally right AND not so many are able to start their own tribe like you. Always thanks for your comments and support xx

  • Interesting Irene. Sarah has created a wonderful tribe and it’s very special being part of that. I guess the majority of people do like to be part of a tribe, but as you explain, it’s equally important to know that you don’t have to be.

    I know people who aren’t interested in being part of tribes .. who actively keep them at bay. They are perfectly happy being insular and choosing who they want to be with/interact with.

    That actually takes a lot of confidence and is a great position to be in. Wanting to be ‘in the gang’ too much can change the way a persons behaves in general, being true to who you really are.

    Am glad you are part of my own new tribe, that’s for sure. x

  • Thanks, Sarah, for your comments. And yes, when we don’t ‘need’ to belong to a tribe,group, gang when we are really free and it’s lovely then to choose to be part of one or not.
    As I’ve got older, I’ve become more and more choosy about with who and where I want to spend my time.. I’m delighted to be part of your new tribe xxx

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