
This is Day 2 of my 30 Day Blogging Challenge

Well my first one was about Procrastination and now this one is about Pressure.

This is the pressure that I put on myself when I have to make an important choice.

I will tell you what this is about now. My final proofs of my book cover for my 2nd book – ‘I DON’T CARE – THE ART OF DIVINE INDIFFERENCE’ are here and I have to choose one of them – HELP!!!

My decision now is final and then that will be the end of it all. My book will be finished – go on sale via Amazon and be out there.

This is me being visible again showing that I am LIVING LIFE OUT LOUD. I am choosing to use this expression as it was how Robbie Kaye (an American Photographer and Author) described Joan Rivers.

For me, Joan was an inspiration to us all as she didn’t give a damn while at the same time she was a lovely, caring woman according to those who knew her.

What a Role Model in my opinion. She was visible and lived life out loud.

How many of us do that? How many of us would like to do that? I bet you there are more than you think.

The pressure I put on myself is that I am scared people won’t like what I’ve chosen – what I’ve written – won’t like me AND I will have failed.

What a burden to put on myself especially when I encourage others to take the time to look at the pressure they put on themselves!

So here goes – I’ll put my money where my mouth is and take that leap and go for it. I’ll make my choice because I know that I am already successful as I am living my life out loud.

Hope you’ll buy my book and see the cover I chose.

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