Here I am getting caught in doing anything but the 1st of my 30 Day Blogging Challenge!!
Usually I am pretty good in getting on doing something, whatever it is, maybe taking a bit longer to start on some things than on others.
With this challenge though, I went into a tailspin.
What is it that’s wanted of me by Sarah? Who isn’t wanting anything actually except to support me and the others to expand ourselves?
How is this different from my weekly blog on my website?
Have I to be really professional and business like? Or can I write about anything?
Questions, questions – should I, could I, what if? Maybe this – maybe not and what are the answers? Everything going round in my head while I am getting on with all the other things I have to get on with.
Enough with it all. Tough Love needed in here.
What do you tell your supervisees, your group members, clients? Now do it yourself.
So I sit in silence, and make peace with myself. A smile comes to my lips and I can feel it inside. A voice says simply ‘I’m glad you’re alive because I love your crazy ideas and notions. There’s no pressure, only your own’.
So ends my Day 1 Blog. I HAVE STARTED
What if I told you procrastination was allowed? Would you still do it? Seriously, procrastination is great thinking time (unless you happen to be on Facebook). You’ve done your first day, you’ve started and it can only get easier.
Thanks, Sarah, for stretching my tired brain and get me to look for comments!!!! xx
Yay for making a start. We all started somewhere.
Hi Irene,
Welcome to the 30 day challenge, looking forward to reading your thoughts
Thanks, Sherry. From one a week to 7 a week is the challenge. Look forward to reading yours. x
Hi Anita,
Yes you’ll certainly be reading my thoughts as I do them daily instead of weekly – definitely be interesting. x
Well done for your first Challenge post Irene. Really looking forward to reading your entries on a daily basis. Have a great weekend. 🙂
You too, Nicky x
It’s good that you’ve started. Welcome and I look forward to reading your posts.
With day one out of the way, you are well on your way. I have discovered that it is habit forming and the journey is enjoyable
Thank you, Judy, and I love your blog title x
Thanks, Ida, only another 29 to go plus my usual weekly one!! I look forward to the journey x
This is indeed a great habit to form! Although I suffer from bouts of Procrastination too- I agree with Sarah that it’s kinda ok to do so because it allows thinking time and sometimes the best ideas just flow from stillness….great post and great website too!
Hello Nasilele, Thanks for your lovely comments and I agree that the best ideas come from stillness x
[…] Procrastination – Challenge 2. Pressure – Making important decisions 3. Rant – On the Takers in Life 4. […]