“What happens when you get to where you wanted to be?” – Nic Askew
I know for myself that I don’t always know that I’ve got to where I wanted to be – reached this so-called goal or destination I have set myself. Why? Because there is always another hurdle to cross that I can ‘tick off’, something else that I need to complete before I can truly say – yes, this is it – I have arrived!! Then there’s my disappointment after the euphoria of getting there. The disappointment that this is not what my purpose was really about.
I am so busy striving (sometimes to where I truly don’t know), that I forget to acknowledge and be grateful for what I already have while on my path to what is next for me. I know that I can plan till ‘the cows come home’ and it may not turn out in any way that I wanted it too.
What I’ve learned is that when I use words like: when, if and some day, they don’t register a true commitment to me and life. I have also learned that when I stop and let my Heart or Soul lead, then I stop the confusion, and even pain, that I am causing inside and outside, all around me.
I’ve learned that there is a time for reflection and even withdrawal, and there is a time to go into action. That there is a time to simply be present and observe, and a time to speak out about what I see and hear.
And, most of all, that my purpose is not what I have been searching for, and waiting for that sign to let me know what it is. It is simply to allow the world to see the expression of me in my fullness and not to hide away what I don’t want you to see.
I am no longer in ‘survival mode’ and I have moved into my ‘Awesomeness’ and have done so through my pain.
How about you? Are you ready to move into your ‘Awesomeness’ and face yourself with courage and compassion? I salute those who are. Come and join me and we can stop searching together and allow ourselves to be visible.