One of the paradoxes of life, is that we grow, we develop, we transform and this is crucial for our health and survival. On the one side though, we have change and transformation and on the other side we have the part of us that wants to stay the same – keep the status-quo.
It is important for us to recognise these conflicting parts in us and also to grow to accept them as being part of us. It’s about how to find a way to let them co-operate with one another and then integrate them so each has a space in our development. If this doesn’t happen, we end up exhausted with the internal fighting whether subtle or raging that goes on for us.
What I am saying is, it is Both And in life and not just either-or. I’ll give you an example from my own life. I always labelled my reluctance as fear until I addressed it and found that it also contained real excitement that I was extending myself. What a difference it’s made to my life. You see it’s quite simple. You can’t change what you‘re refusing to confront within yourself and be at peace with yourself.
To live the kind of life you deserve, you need to get to know who you really are. Listen to yourself and learn to love yourself unconditionally – the Both –And – and know that you are the greatest gift you can give to life.
You’ll know the old saying, ‘Compassion begins at home’ and when you give this to yourself, your heart will open and receive it. And the paradox is that then more comes towards you. Try it.
PS. Here is my interview with Suzy Greaves where I talk a little about Both-And. Enjoy.