Stepping StonesI can get so fed up with all the good advice from people (my own included) to always be positive and make positive affirmations part of your life. Can you?

So the thought I’d like to share with you today is that you can make positive affirmations all day long, each and every day forever and ever, but things won’t always happen.  Why?  Because if you aren’t actually taking the steps towards your dreams, they won’t work out.

It’s easy to forget that what you must include into the mix is Action. The action you take can be big or small – but action is what will make it happen.

I’ve always been fond of something I read many moons ago:

Once upon a time, a poor man chastised God for failing to answer his prayers to win the lottery.

God shook his head and replied, “For heaven’s sake, at least you could have bought a ticket!”

This sums it up for me – something we may so obviously want, but we forget to do the basic thing that sets the wheels in motion.

Does this ring any bells for you?  Have you been confident enough to take action? Or like the poor man in our story, are you praying for something to happen without actually doing anything about it?

I’d love to hear what they are.


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