The Versatility Of Fuck

They say that moving is one of the top 10 most stressful life events. Selling one house, buying another, dealing with all of the people, packing and paperwork – it’s a minefield!

But I seem to be getting rather wonderful at dealing with things and I’ve realised it’s often because of one little word. This has led to the conclusion that there are not many words with the versatility of ‘FUCK’:


I’m sure you have many more to add, so let me know and we’ll grow the Fuck list together.

I hope this has brought a smile to your face.

Irene Signature

If you’d like to explore and have conversations on subjects like this, join my Facebook Group. It’s called SIFITY (Stop It, Fuck It, Thank You) and it’s for those women who are on the road to facing their denial and owning ‘I Am Enough’.


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