Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
(The act or process of deciding something)
A definition of making a decision is – ‘The act or process of deciding something’ and doesn’t this sound so easy? Of course, it can be simply that – easy. And yet there are times when your mind goes round and round –
“Should I? Won’t I? What if? Could do – Maybe not!”
“I’ll leave it till tomorrow or whenever to decide.”
Toss a coin. Ask a trusted friend or even a stranger.
So, so tiring as it saps your energy and however much you tell yourself, “It doesn’t matter, it’s not that important or I can decide another time” somehow it stays in your head. Do you know what I am talking about here?
Indecision is a no-brainer – Who wants it? Do you? I don’t. I can get, not only impatient with myself when it happens but also exhausted and become too tired to do anything anyway.
I just realised – I guess I could be talking about the BREXIT process that is happening in our country! I am fed up with it all and now simply waiting to see how it actually pans out!
Pattern or Habit
In my own life, sometimes though, before I get to that stage. I make a decision and choose one or the other. OR else I let go of the ’either I choose this one or I choose that one’ AND I choose neither!
Yes, I do nothing at all. The difference is I am choosing to do nothing at all rather than putting all the pressure on me to make a decision.
My thinking might not make sense to you (although I hope it does as you must be used to me by now) and it does to me!
Another way is to take charge of my reality. I say to myself, ‘This is how it is right now. So accept it and move on’.
I’ve moved on to, ‘Do I really need to do this at all?’
If my answer is Yes, then I will do it, or plan how I am going to do it and then do it.
If my answer is No, then I will take it off my list. Already I will feel lighter. The energy release is fantastic!! I am sure some of you will know that too.
So simple and saves my energy as those times of indecision are when I feel I have lost my way. I go round and round in circles, don’t know what to do and so my life becomes a bit messy.
It is so frustrating and it only gets better when I acknowledge that I don’t know which way to go – what to choose – then I can do something about it.
Finding your way when you are off track being indecisive doesn’t have to be a painful experience. It is often as simple as having the courage to admit that you are lost, and searching for the truth in any situation.
Anyway, it’d be good to hear how you are with making decisions
If you’d like to explore and have conversations on subjects like this, join my Facebook Group. It’s called SIFITY (Stop It, Fuck It, Thank You) and it’s for those women who are on the road to facing their denial and owning ‘I Am Enough’.
What I like is when I feel I have to do something because someone else has send a message or did something but instead of reacting and deciding on a response I just wait a few days and the problem disappears. Waiting a few days works for me in that context. I agree otherwise it can play on your mind . I often think of what I can control and if I can not I try to let it go . We can not control others . Thank you Irene for that blog
Thank you for your sharing of what helps you, Helene, much appreciated xxx