Are You Tying Yourself Up In Knots?
I wonder what your reaction was to my title, ‘Are you tying yourself up in knots?’ – Yep that’s me, poo-pooing it, intrigued, let’s see what she says……… I can understand different reactions as it is so simple and yet so scary being Yourself.
Inspiring Others
I am talking here about how you make a difference in life by being yourself – Nobody else – YOU. If you are anything like me, you have tied yourself up in knots trying to be someone or something you are not!! I hear it all the time, as well as see others doing it.
Do you know why we do that when we are actually just fine as we are? One guess would be that it is because we don’t actually trust that we are okay because we heard too many voices, glances, innuendos that we were not okay. I would be surprised if you didn’t know what I am talking about here!
I love Steve Maraboli’s saying,
‘When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best version of themselves’.
Isn’t this what life is all about??? Well it is for me and hopefully for you too.
I know for myself, and see and hear it from others – somehow or another we are not good enough, however, successful we are or not. Self-Doubt is the name of the game!!
You and I have been striving forever to be someone we are not. This so-called Perfect Person – cool, calm, and collected in any situation and can be stirred but not shaken – does not actually exist and yet we are trying to be them! We are so afraid of being found out as somehow lacking, we’d rather use our energy in covering ourselves up with different masks and put on a show rather than be ourselves.
Read these words slowly and carefully so you take them in –
Do it as many times as you need – put them on a post-it note and put it somewhere you will see it every day – in your diary, on your computer………………. until you break the habit of doubting yourself and begin to believe in yourself.
My wish for you is that you take your courage in both hands and begin to let go of the Mask(s) you use to hide behind when you choose to do so. It is time that you allow you to be seen as the Perfectly Imperfect person you are – allow yourself to be visible by being Yourself.
Life is what you make it and you can start right now by creating it instead of hiding, striving to be someone you are not, moaning about it, tying yourself up in knots and be the best version of Yourself you can be.
Have you had a look at my new Facebook Group yet? It’s called SIFITY (Stop It, Fuck It, Thank You) and it’s for those women who are on the road to facing their denial and owning ‘I Am Enough’ x