Here we are in this country’s crazy weather – very hot, storms, thunder and lightning, sunshine, flooding, humidity ………………. I could go on except I want to talk in this blog about the fact that somehow WE NEVER GIVE UP whatever is happening. (Of course, I am aware of how dreadful it can be in some countries too.)
Yes, here some may have a little time out (like I did), some may cry at the sheer horror of being flooded, some may get badly sun burnt whether they have protection on or not, some may get exhausted in dealing with life itself …. and yet, up we get and carry on.
For me, there is a resilience that’s there inside us and that is what can be drawn upon.
Also when we are faced with chaos, there is saying –
‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things
I cannot change, the courage to change the
things I can, and the wisdom to know the
difference’ (Reinhold Niebuhr)
There is no point ‘flogging a dead horse’ as another saying goes so you need to remember that you have choice in anything you do.
Here are some definitions of Resilience – The ability to spring back into shape; The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; Toughness; The capacity to withstand Stress and Catastrophe. You probably have your own one.
I am always amazed at how resilient we are regardless of our background, our circumstances or our present reality. I simply don’t know how we actually cope with life sometimes, although I am saying here that it is that resilience that enables us to cope with life’s hard knocks.
I don’t have judgement about those who may find it too hard to get up again so they stay down and live life from that place.
What is so important is that you listen to yourself, to your inner voice, and you may even choose to get help in order to do whatever is right for you.
For me, I have found that dealing with adversity (small or large) comes through personal development, knowledge of ourselves and others, and through our belief systems.
I simply want to end with the hope that you see yourself as resilient and not a victim. Remember to be – Proud of Yourself and Never Give Up
Go Well.
PS. I am still pulling together my proposed on-line programme – Stop It, Fuck It, Thank You ( – and will let you know when it is up and running. Remember to let me know if you are interested in being part of it.
Thank you Irene, this is a good reminder when we go through tough times. Thank you also for listening and helping me to re-discover resilience over my recent loss – I thought would keep me down forever. x
Kae, I am delighted that I could be of use to you when you were going through your loss and thank you for your kind words xxx