The Almost Nearly Confident & Successful Woman Workshop
Discover how to elevate your inner confidence, step into your spotlight, and be uniquely YOU so that you can show up, shine and be the Visible Woman you know you have the potential to be!
As a success-minded woman in business, it can be extremely disheartening when you know you're meant for more and yet you're still hiding out in full view.
You're showing up but what you're bringing to the table continues to go unnoticed. It's very easy to start doubting yourself and the viability of your business!
Join me for an exciting content-rich workshop that uncovers the inner obstacles that so many women in business experience, and how to deserve and own the success that you desire in your business and life.
With Me by your side, you will take away tools to enable you to discover:
- The powerful mirroring exercise that will help you reconnect with your self-worth and empower you to stand tall and confidently in your own shoes.
- The unlikely tool to help you create a compelling vision so that you can confidently step into the creation of an extraordinary business and life.
- The important starting point that MUST take place before you can launch yourself off into an exciting and compelling future.
- How to plan and implement the specific step towards being the visible woman you know you were meant to be
If you know it's time to stop playing small and get your gifts out into the world, this is for you!
A successful business and life doesn’t happen by accident. You can't keep doing what you've always done and expect a different outcome.
You can't keep hiding out in full view and being the world's best kept secret. The decision to show up and shine takes just that -- a DECISION.
When: 28th April
Where: Radisson Blu Hotel, Portman Square, London
Time: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Investment: £147.00 includes: Buffet Networking Lunch, 3 Snack Breaks and unlimited Tea, Coffee and Water throughout the day.
This workshop will give you 3 CDPs as accepted by certain Organisations. You can secure your place and book now using this payment button (you do not need a paypal account to use this service)
If you have any questions please do get in touch.
Signup today and get ready to change your life for the better!
The Visible Woman workshops & retreats will help you re-connect with yourself and gain the courage to take the steps towards fulfilling your goals and dreams. Be the first to know about new dates & opportunities.
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I bring maturity and experience of over 30 years as a Chartered Counselling Psychologist, a Mentor, an International Transpersonal Coach, Supervisor and Group Facilitator, plus Author of “The Visible Woman – More Lust, Less Must” and “I Don’t Care – The Art of Divine Indifference”. I am one of the ‘been there, done that, got the ‘t’ shirt kind of woman’ as I have been a Course Director, Cancer Survivor, and am ‘Nana’ to two grandchildren.
I also bring warmth, directness and my quirky Glaswegian humour to my work as I challenge you to be Yourself.