I have worked with, and have been in touch with so many women who have low self-esteem and
this concerns me.
Why? Because they don’t always realise that they are searching for wholeness which includes their self-worth in the face of feelings of worthlessness. And they don’t deserve these feelings!!
It is perhaps a little more understandable when your normal way of being is to be shy or introverted and hide away. You can then make excuses that there are probably more extraverts better able to be out there rather than you putting yourself forward. And it is the qualities and abilities of WOMEN like you that make the world go round. You don’t have to be the loud, in your face woman to have good self-esteem!!! You can have it and be quiet, loud or anything in between!! Self-esteem has nothing to do with how you behave – it is to do with how comfortable you are in your own shoes.
Many of you have forgotten what a wealth of qualities, experience and knowledge that can be tapped into in order to really see yourself. Unfortunately, you may have taken onboard what you were told about yourself when you were growing up. You were never the sportiest, prettiest, talented, brainiest, popular ………………. girl around and all the others were somehow superior to you.
You perhaps bought into your lack through the criticism or comments from others. This cycle then repeats itself, as it is easier to buy into the lack coming from those around you than to step into ‘the world is your oyster’ feeling of self-worth.
When you were disapproved of then (and nowadays too), you perhaps handled it on the surface but inside you may have felt you deserved it somehow or another. This can be a life-long journey to change this belief that you deserve rejection and you are not worthwhile. And, a down side perhaps of this is that you may do all you can to get revenge on that person or those people in order for you to feel better about yourself. To be truthful, that doesn’t work as it’s an inside job!!
Shadow and Spiritual Development
There could be a good reason as to why you feel bad about yourself unbeknownst to others. You may not feel that you have actually earned the right to have self-worth. You see, self-worth, self-esteem or self-confidence has to be earned. These come from knowing yourself very well, including facing your Shadow (the parts we’ve hidden away) and your spiritual development, so that you are able to say ‘I love and respect myself – warts and all’.
Found Wanting
You then no longer need to be scared that somehow you will be found out as ‘wanting’. You know you are only human and you behave in ways that you respect and don’t allow your nasty part to gain the upper hold.
You are Worthy!
I would say ‘Stand Tall, Face the World with your Head held High’ (whether you are an introvert or extrovert) and know that you love yourself and are entitled to be here and part of life. You are Worthy!!
I’d love to have your comments – thanks.